"Crazy world, full of crazy contradictions like a child, first you drive me wild and then you win my heart with your wicked art, one moment tender, gentle, then temperamental as a summer storm, just when I believe your heart's getting warmer, you're cold and your cruel and I like a fool try to cope, try to hang on to hope. Crazy world, every day the same old roller coaster ride, but I've got my pride, I won't give in, even though I know I'll never win, oh how I love this crazy world." -- "Crazy World" from "Victor/Victoria," lyrics by Leslie Bricusse

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Extremism - The Scourge of the 21st Century

I must qualify my sharing of this well written article by saying that even though I left the church many years ago, I hold no ill will against it or anyone else. I have moved on in my life and am very happy. But we must all understand that there is a very dangerous element that is existing right now in this nation and that is "extremism." There are those right now that want to change the U.S. constitution drastically which unless it is for the good of ALL of society, is a very dangerous and slippery slope. No matter how well intentioned the LDS church's statements were the past few days, and I totally give them the benefit of the doubt and applaud their intentions, they are very naive to the ways of politics and public policy and how really dangerous this move to add "extra protections" to protect religious freedom which is already engrained into our constitution. History has a very bad way of repeating itself and this has already happened before with the original anti-discrimination movement back in the 50's and 60's. The same movement to protect religious freedom against those original anti-discrimination laws caused the civil rights unrest of those two decades and thousands lost their lives over it. Do we really want to return to that time? I don't think so. These "extra protections" open up a huge Pandora's box for abuse and despite Elder Oaks' protestations that they are not supporting extremism, he is very naive to think that extremism will not happen. IT WILL! Freedom of Religion was intended to protect the citizenry from governmental intrusion on their personal belief systems as well as protecting the citizenry from religious oppression from religious institutions themselves like what occurred in England and all over Europe, and even similar to what happened in the colonies with the example of the "Salem Witch Trials." It was basically put in place to prevent governmental intrusion on personal belief and practice as well as to prevent Sharia Law. It was never intended to allow anyone to say that they will not serve, provide help, employment, etc. to anyone that they don't agree with their belief system and/or lifestyle.

This idea that baking a wedding cake for an LGBT couple violates one's personal religious freedoms is absurd! On top of being very immature! No doctor can be forced to perform abortions because no doctor has to work in an abortion clinic. By following this train of thought, than every single soldier who has defended this country and killed in defense of this country is guilty of murder and will stand damned before God. What utter nonsense!

This has gotten so out of hand on both sides of this issue and it needs to STOP!!!!!!