"Crazy world, full of crazy contradictions like a child, first you drive me wild and then you win my heart with your wicked art, one moment tender, gentle, then temperamental as a summer storm, just when I believe your heart's getting warmer, you're cold and your cruel and I like a fool try to cope, try to hang on to hope. Crazy world, every day the same old roller coaster ride, but I've got my pride, I won't give in, even though I know I'll never win, oh how I love this crazy world." -- "Crazy World" from "Victor/Victoria," lyrics by Leslie Bricusse

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Wake Up America

I remember when this actually happened back in 2011 and this debate and this disgusting moment in it was the deciding factor in myself voting to re-elect Barack Obama and why I despised Mitt Romney and all of the other candidates on that stage that night, and I still do! What we lack in government today is empathy and understanding of each other. We have a White House and a Congress full of people who simply don't care about their fellow human beings. It's all about money, profit, and for all the "crying and hollering" over stupid, foolish non-issues like this one (the real reason why this soldier was booed) this country lacks REAL Moral fiber! I am sick and tired of the media and their never-ending stupidity. Where are the revered men and women that I grew up with on television that gave us REAL news. We were informed and we recognized the REAL problems. That sadly is gone. I hope someday we can get back to those days! I love this country, I love the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence and our founding fathers who had such wisdom when they created this great nation of ours, and the millions who sacrificed their lives in the Revolution to start this nation and for the countless others who have in the past and today defending our freedoms all over the world, putting their lives on the line each and every day! I am grateful to our police force, firefighters, EMT's who work so tirelessly to protect us and to deliver life-saving help each and every day! America right now is not the greatest country in the world, but it sure can be again. I hope America can wake up and rid our halls of government of the trash that exists there now and helps to boost those that are there that are good men, true leaders that can really do good for this nation. We need to stop voting party and start voting for integrity and for those who will stand up for the underdog and the people in this country who really need our help and empathy.