"Crazy world, full of crazy contradictions like a child, first you drive me wild and then you win my heart with your wicked art, one moment tender, gentle, then temperamental as a summer storm, just when I believe your heart's getting warmer, you're cold and your cruel and I like a fool try to cope, try to hang on to hope. Crazy world, every day the same old roller coaster ride, but I've got my pride, I won't give in, even though I know I'll never win, oh how I love this crazy world." -- "Crazy World" from "Victor/Victoria," lyrics by Leslie Bricusse

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

2010-2019 Retrospective

This past decade was quite the ride for me. As we all experience, we go through challenges, heartbreak, joyful moments, success, failure, make mistakes, the list goes on and on. Here are 15 moments from this past decade that were ones that I hold near and dear to my heart. May the new decade bring joy to each and every one of you out there! And here's to conquering the challenges that lie ahead!

Words can't describe how I felt when this happened. I never thought I'd live to see this day become a reality. June 26, 2015. WOW!

Said goodbye to the Adams Memorial Shakespearean Theatre at The Utah Shakespeare Festival. So many fond memories of this incredible theatre. I witnessed incredible work on this stage.
1986: Julius Caesar (The first season for me); 1987: Richard III; 1988: Othello; 1989: Macbeth, The Winter's Tale; 1990: Titus Andronicus; 1995: Henry VIII, Othello; 1996: Henry IV, Part One; 2005: Doctor Faustus, Romeo & Juliet; 2006: Hamlet, Antony & Cleopatra; 2007: Coriolanus, King Lear; 2008: Cyrano de Bergerac, Othello; 2009: Henry V; 2012: Mary Stuart, Titus Andronicus; 2013: King John, Love's Labour's Lost (The last season I saw in the Adams).

The moment I heard that Disney Theatricals announced that they were adapting the 1992 film for the stage, I was cautiously optimistic. Could they find a book writer that could fix the gaping mistakes that caused the film to fail so miserably at the box office? The leading character's lack of a story/character arc on top of the horrible miscasting of Christian Bale in that role who looked so uncomfortable in the role and ended up phoning in a lackluster performance, so unlike the usual brilliance of that actor; being able to adapt the story to a musical theatre setting from a structural standpoint, and to making sure that any new musical material would add not take away from the beautiful story. Despite its flaws, I loved the film and it brought me back to my childhood and my carefree days with my friends. It also freed a Disney musical from the usual fare of Princesses in favor of boys, heroes that young boys could look up to and capturing the hopes and dreams of young men wanting a better life for themselves and the story's message of standing up for what you believe in, no matter what the consequence may be, and for being the change you want to see in the world; a message still very relevant and much needed in these troubled times.

Well, Disney did it! And when the national tour rolled through Salt Lake City, I was there on the front row in what turned out to be a truly life-changing experience for me. Blending contemporary design elements with Golden Age Broadway structure, it turned this beautiful story into the musical it was destined to become, in the right hands. Thank you, Harvey Fierstein, for your brilliance along with Alan Menken's incredible score and Jack Feldman's lyrics! And to that incredible company of actors who brought that story so movingly and brilliantly in their performances to life!

I will always be so grateful to Laurie Harrop-Purser for allowing me to play this iconic role in this beautiful play. I was so blessed to be surrounded by such gifted and amazing actors that blew me away every performance. You Can't Take It With You is a true American classic and I am so happy to have been a part of this experience!

Another great experience of the past decade was being able to perform in one of the all-time American classics, 12 Angry Men. My dear friends and colleagues, Kathryn and Howard Little directed and this turned out to be one of the single most incredible acting experiences of my career! The actors who I shared the stage with were all incredible, professional, and at the top of their game. It was truly one of the best experiences of my life! Thank you, Kathryn and Howard, for allowing me to be a part of this grand adventure.

This was one of the wonderful moments I had this past decade with my dear mom and that was taking her to see what ended up being one of her favorite musicals, Wicked. One awesome memory my mother had as a young girl of 10, was seeing Wizard of Oz on the big screen in 1939 in Ogden. She remembered when Dorothy opened up her door to Munchkintland, how bright and beautiful the colors were and if you've seen Wicked, the production design is very colorful and bright. My mom loved the story and the music so much! I remember at intermission, how she was in tears. The lyrics to "Defying Gravity" moved my mom deeply. She was so moved by the whole experience!

On my mom's 86th birthday, her kid brother, my Unce Brent came for a surprise visit. It was such a wonderful and rare experience to see them together. He is an incredible man and he and my mom were close as children. I am so grateful for this experience because it would be the last time they would see each other. 1 year and 4 months later, my mom would lose her battle with Alzheimer's. Family is so important. We need to let the people we love know how we feel about them and never let a chance to say "I love you" pass you by.

Later that evening. my niece Tammy and her dad, my brother, Jack came to see my mom for her birthday. It had been over 2 years since my mom had seen her granddaughter and it was a very heartwarming moment. These moments with my mom are very near and dear to me. These moments help me remember the good times with my mom, times when she was lucid and fully aware of her surroundings and the people around her.

Another incredible experience in my theatrical career. I will be forever grateful to my dear friend and colleague, Jeremy Showgren for casting me and as always, delivering a wonderful experience in bringing this incredible piece of musical theater to life on the SCERA outdoor stage. I am so grateful for an incredible cast to work with. Family in the purest sense of the word. I will always have a special place in my heart for this experience! A once in a lifetime experience. I had always wanted t to be in this show ever since I saw it on Broadway. I will never forget this experience.

I was on my way to Salt Lake City to spend the weekend with friends. I had just returned from Los Angeles and having the once in a lifetime opportunity of seeing the filming of "Newsies" live in front of an audience at the Pantages Theatre. It was exactly a year after my mom's death and that time in L.A. was a wonderful comfort for me along with this beautiful site. It reminded me of the beauty of nature, which my mom loved so much and I felt like it was a kind of message from her to me that I would be alright and it also reminded me of the beauty of her soul and that her memory would always live on in me.

Happy Elf. What a wonderful and delightful experience with my dear friend and colleague, Robinne Booth at the helm. All of my fellow cast members were so fantastic. It was like being a kid again. Playing Santa was so much fun! Visiting with the kids was also wonderful and inspiring. I will never forget one little girl who sat on my lap and all she wanted for Santa to bring her for Christmas was the reassurance that her mother and little brother were together for Christmas and not lonely. Her grandmother explained to me that her mom and brother were recently killed in a car accident. I couldn't stop crying all the way home. My whole reason for doing theatre is for the audiences. I was reminded once again of what is truly important in this life. It was a truly humbling experience, one I will not soon forget.

My mom loved nature, and Cedar Breaks was one of her most favorite places in the world to visit. Our very final visit to Cedar City and southern Utah together. I will never forget it!

The very last photo of my mom and me. She slipped into a coma only a week later and never came out of it. Most of the last decade was spent in the care of my mom. I was honored to take care of her. I owed her everything! She gave me life, she raised me with unconditional love, and always encouraged me in everything I ever did. I miss her terribly. 2020 is truly a new beginning for me. I can put so much of what was miserable about the last decade behind me and move forward. I am excited about the future. I am so thankful that this remarkable woman was my mom. I thank her for everything she did and stood for!

Curious Savage. Once again with the incredible Kathryn and Howard Little at the helm. I will never forget being in this production. Curious Savage is a truly touching piece. I was so proud to be a part of it! One of the great highlights in the past decade.

Last but not least, Other Desert Cities.
My very first directing experience. What an incredible work of contemporary theater!
What an incredible group of artists surrounding me in this photo! I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to work with. And my dear, dear friend, Collin Thomas on the far right. I think this was one of or the very last show he appeared in before his untimely passing. I loved and adored this man. He was such a good friend! What an incredible talent! What a wonderful human being!
I miss him so terribly! When I was nominated for an Irene Ryan, I wouldn't have wanted anyone by my side on that stage as my partner! I miss these people terribly! I will also be forever grateful to my mentor and dear colleague, Dr. Terry Petrie for his guidance with this, my senior thesis project for my undergrad!

Side Note:
There is really one more experience this past decade I simply cannot leave out. On that stage, I witnessed the life story of my challenges with anxiety, depression, social anxiety, and ADHD portrayed with such artistry, dignity and respect by a truly gifted actor who certainly well deserved the Tony Award he received for this incredible performance.

 Ben Platt. I love and adore you! Your performance in this incredible and significant piece of musical theatre defies description! I have never been so moved by a performance like yours. I couldn't take my eyes off the stage the entire show! I was ugly crying the entire time. By the time we got to "Words Fail," I was in a puddle and shaking. A performance and experience I will never forget! It changed the course of my life forever! Pasek & Paul, Steven Levenson, you have created a beautiful masterpiece!

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