"Crazy world, full of crazy contradictions like a child, first you drive me wild and then you win my heart with your wicked art, one moment tender, gentle, then temperamental as a summer storm, just when I believe your heart's getting warmer, you're cold and your cruel and I like a fool try to cope, try to hang on to hope. Crazy world, every day the same old roller coaster ride, but I've got my pride, I won't give in, even though I know I'll never win, oh how I love this crazy world." -- "Crazy World" from "Victor/Victoria," lyrics by Leslie Bricusse

Thursday, July 8, 2021

A Message for U.S. Rep. for Utah’s 3rd Congressional District John Curtis


Representative John Curtis, sir. I must respond very sternly to this statement and with great disappointment. I voted for you in this past election trusting that you were different from the tired and bigoted old crony Republicans that have dominated the U.S. congress for so many years. You stood for bi-partisanship and vowed to publicly and always defend that important principle. But since President Biden has taken office, your party has gotten worse when it comes to this principle and is still playing the same old game of fighting anything the political left has to offer and say. When it comes to the issue you mentioned in this statement, President Biden did meet with the representatives of your party on the issue of the Pandemic plan and all they had to offer was an ultimatum and refused to hear anything the President had to say or offer. Now, you have the audacity to accuse President Biden of not being bipartisan? Do you have no decency sir? You say Utah is waiting. Now you have become like every other Republican congressman that has proceeded you. You think Utah is majority conservative and you don't represent ALL of Utah, which includes a huge amount of liberals, like President Biden, who supported President Biden's pandemic plan along with a majority of the country did, including conservatives. But you sir, stand with Mitch McConnell and the other horrible representatives in Washington and accuse President Biden of being uncooperative when in fact it is your side sir that is being uncooperative. Shame on you sir. I will not be voting for your re-election. I am so tired of the GOP acting like petulant children and refusing to budge on any issue. You sir, are a disappointment!

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