"Crazy world, full of crazy contradictions like a child, first you drive me wild and then you win my heart with your wicked art, one moment tender, gentle, then temperamental as a summer storm, just when I believe your heart's getting warmer, you're cold and your cruel and I like a fool try to cope, try to hang on to hope. Crazy world, every day the same old roller coaster ride, but I've got my pride, I won't give in, even though I know I'll never win, oh how I love this crazy world." -- "Crazy World" from "Victor/Victoria," lyrics by Leslie Bricusse

Saturday, September 1, 2018

You Are Important

I have suffered from depression most of my life as well as suffered with social anxiety, which worsened as I got closer to adolescence. I know what it is like to walk into a room and feel totally alone. Feel like no one notices you. Until I moved to Utah when I was 16, I was made fun of my entire life. Called a fag, fatso, railroad track mouth (I had braces when I was growing up), spotted dick (I had freckles all over my face and body until I was about 10), you name it, I was called it. It took me until moving to Utah where I, through theater, found friends and acceptance. Despite that, I did come very close to suicide, I actually attempted it, unsuccessfully, by buying sleeping pills but fortunately for me, I was so depressed and down that my body and brain shut down and I fell into a coma for two days, basically saving my life, thanks to a very dear friend who came banging on my door after those two days, wanting to know if I was okay. All of this because I couldn't accept my self as a gay man and felt unloved and unwanted.

No matter what you are going through, remember, YOU matter!!! Your presence on this planet is VITAL!!! You are important!!! You have so much to give to the world, to the people around you. Just reach out and someone will find you, will help you! All you have to do is ask! Don't take a permanent step towards solving a temporary problem!!! You are loved, even if you don't know it or believe it!

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