"Crazy world, full of crazy contradictions like a child, first you drive me wild and then you win my heart with your wicked art, one moment tender, gentle, then temperamental as a summer storm, just when I believe your heart's getting warmer, you're cold and your cruel and I like a fool try to cope, try to hang on to hope. Crazy world, every day the same old roller coaster ride, but I've got my pride, I won't give in, even though I know I'll never win, oh how I love this crazy world." -- "Crazy World" from "Victor/Victoria," lyrics by Leslie Bricusse

Friday, September 20, 2019

2020 Presidential Campaign

This current presidential campaign is groundbreaking for so many reasons. But one significant groundbreaking event is the fact that we have the very first openly gay presidential candidate in US history running. This is something to celebrate. I am so grateful to be alive at this moment in time to experience this. I may not agree with him 100%, but I personally feel he is a good man and one of the better candidates running for the Democratic presidential nomination. We've come a long way!

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