"Crazy world, full of crazy contradictions like a child, first you drive me wild and then you win my heart with your wicked art, one moment tender, gentle, then temperamental as a summer storm, just when I believe your heart's getting warmer, you're cold and your cruel and I like a fool try to cope, try to hang on to hope. Crazy world, every day the same old roller coaster ride, but I've got my pride, I won't give in, even though I know I'll never win, oh how I love this crazy world." -- "Crazy World" from "Victor/Victoria," lyrics by Leslie Bricusse

Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Holidays With Friends

Every year, my dear friend Marcie Jacobsen invites everyone to a Sunday brunch on and/or near her birthday. This year she's turning the big 50 and in the past we've met at Sundance, but his year she decided to change things up and we met up at the Grand America Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City. A beautiful 5-star luxury hotel with a really grand Brunch buffet every Sunday. It isn't cheap, but it's worth it for the incredible food! It was so much fun to spend time with good and dear friends! I couldn't get photos of everyone, but you know how it is! Happy Birthday to my dear Marcie Jacobsen! You are one awesome lady!

Marcie Jacobsen & Me

Me & Kristen Crockett Montgomery

Curtis Adams & Kristen Crockett Montgomery

April Fossen, Me & Dave Hansen

The Grand America Hotel

The Main Lobby

The Garden Cafe

Monday, September 24, 2018

Organized Religion, Part 2

This is another aspect of organized religion that I have a huge problem with. I remember growing up that this aspect brought me comfort, knowing that there was someone who held all of the keys and spoke for God in this world. But the older I got, when I came to realize who I was and that God intended me to be this way, it wasn't a choice, along with a host of other issues, including the one mentioned in this article, I came to realize that this is a false comfort. There is a reason God ripped the veil of the temple after our Savior's death on the cross. It was men who "spoke for God" among the Jewish faith, "the one and only true religion" that put him on that cross. There is a reason why God has said time and time again, "I am not a respecter of persons!" I will be coming out with my own story soon, but in light of recent events, I wanted to share this article.

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Organized Religion & Personality Disorders

Here is a link to an excellent article about the correlation between religion & personality disorders. I fully agree with this article and I can relate specifically to the OCD and Co-Dependent sections of the article. I will post more later about my own personal experiences.

Saturday, September 1, 2018

You Are Important

I have suffered from depression most of my life as well as suffered with social anxiety, which worsened as I got closer to adolescence. I know what it is like to walk into a room and feel totally alone. Feel like no one notices you. Until I moved to Utah when I was 16, I was made fun of my entire life. Called a fag, fatso, railroad track mouth (I had braces when I was growing up), spotted dick (I had freckles all over my face and body until I was about 10), you name it, I was called it. It took me until moving to Utah where I, through theater, found friends and acceptance. Despite that, I did come very close to suicide, I actually attempted it, unsuccessfully, by buying sleeping pills but fortunately for me, I was so depressed and down that my body and brain shut down and I fell into a coma for two days, basically saving my life, thanks to a very dear friend who came banging on my door after those two days, wanting to know if I was okay. All of this because I couldn't accept my self as a gay man and felt unloved and unwanted.

No matter what you are going through, remember, YOU matter!!! Your presence on this planet is VITAL!!! You are important!!! You have so much to give to the world, to the people around you. Just reach out and someone will find you, will help you! All you have to do is ask! Don't take a permanent step towards solving a temporary problem!!! You are loved, even if you don't know it or believe it!

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Update (7/8/18)

I wanted to update everyone since my last entry was a bit dark and bleak.

I am really doing fine everyone! Don't worry about me!

Right now I'm going through a transition as we all do sometimes in between residences. This happens to all of us many times during our lifetimes and it's not what happens to us but how we react to what happens to us that counts. And my reaction to all of this hasn't been one of my more shining moments!

Right now for the past week I have been staying with my dear friend, Curtis Adams at his apartment in Cottonwood Heights, which is actually a subdivision of Midvale, Utah which is about 29.9 miles north of Orem, Utah where I was living since my mother was put into the care facility almost three years ago. It's a beautiful neighborhood and he lives in a nice one bedroom apartment at the Santa Fe Apartments on Highland Drive on 7200 South. I've been sleeping in his very nice recliner in his living room.

I am truly blessed. I have good friends and I have a job, which is a huge blessing to be thankful for. I've been using Airbnb for my housing for the past month and that is what got me down. I feel like this wandering bum, which I'm not. I have the financial means to ensure I'm not out on the streets which is a very good thing!

But there is some hope. I was looking online last week and found a vacancy at the University Gateway Apartments across from UVU; a former tenant is selling his lease (July 2018-August 2019). I planned to return to UVU this fall to finish my degree and so this is a blessing in disguise. Please keep my in your prayers and thoughts that this will work out. My credit score is low but they only require a two month deposit to be accepted (the guy I'm buying the lease from is leaving his deposit, so I only have to pay another $300 out of my pocket to move in, he has already paid July's rent, so I won't have to pay rent until the 1st of August). It's just right down from the University Mall and the bus I would need to get to the Mall to catch the bus to get to my office is right down the street (1/2 block) so it works out perfectly. I'm just praying this all works out.

The challenge is that paying Airbnb rates is cheaper than a hotel, but in June I still paid slightly under what I was paying for rent at my last place which was a struggle, so I can hardly put money aside to save for a place, so this is a real steal of a deal and so I hope this works out. The rent is only $375 a month which includes utilities, Internet and lots of nice amenities. I can finally get back to living under my means and being able to save for a car and return to school part time to finish my degree at UVU and move on with my life and feel some purpose again! Not just working all of the time and then spending the rest sleeping from exhaustion.

I know everyone around me is struggling. We as Americans are living in hard times right now! Everyone has their individual and personal struggles to make ends meet! I know I'm not alone! My friend Curtis is looking for another place because his lease runs out in September and it's a struggle for him; he's paying by himself what I was paying for my portion of the rent on a 2-bedroom apartment with a roommate.

I know it has to do with my attitude. This too shall pass! I need to focus on the good and the blessings in my life. I have a lot to be thankful for! God bless and I'll keep you posted!

Sunday, July 1, 2018

VLOG 6/8/18

UPDATE: 7/1/18
It's been a little short of a month since this video was recorded and I'm still staying with Airbnb properties having a difficult time finding a place. I could really use your thoughts and prayers right now. It's getting pretty frustrating but I'm keeping the faith and keeping a good attitude about it all. I know something will turn up. This has been a great opportunity to meet new people and kind of like being on an adventure. If you guys out there know of any place (people looking for roommates, etc.) out there let me know. I really would like to find somewhere permanent for a while! At least I'm not homeless! Thankful to friends and family for all their love and support this past month as I've been transitioning and going through a bit of a rough patch, but I know this too shall pass! Love you all!

The Future of the LGTBQ Community (Utah Pride Festival 2018)

An incredible performance by LGTBQ students from
The Performer Studio (https://www.theperformerstudio.com/) Performing: "You Will Be Found" from "Dear Evan Hansen"

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Reason Prevails (The First Step)

Reason has prevailed. AR-15's and all assault weapons can now be officially banned in Massachusetts. A federal judge has upheld the decision and overturned the appeal. Of course, this will eventually be taken to the United States Supreme Court and let's hope reason prevails there. But for now, this is a first important victory in this battle.

I am a progressive/liberal constitutionalist and a proud Democrat. I support Gun Rights but not the right to own any assault weapon and weapons of war. Hunting, sport gun activities do not require assault weapons or weapons of war. You don't need these type of weapons for personal defense. This is reasonable gun control. I am for this and continued education on self-defense, funding for mental health programs and counseling (particularly in the schools), communities banding together to form plans that work for them and their communities to protect their schools and to support all and enforce all existing gun laws including background checks and maximum penalties for criminals. I also support the loopholes for background checks for gun shows and I support 100% banning all private weapon sales without a business license (even if it's a sole owner LLC type business). Yes, this will not rid our world of gun violence and criminals are going to find the loopholes and still gain access to weapons, but this is something WE can do and it WILL make a difference. It WILL make our communities safer. Other than that, yes violence, crime will still exist. Drunk Driving Laws exist and we still have people being killed by Drunk Drivers but the percentages have lowered dramatically and that makes those laws worth it. To argue and say ANY gun regulation violates your rights to bear arms and will turn this country into NAZI Germany or Communist Russia is BULLSHIT! We MUST do all that we can do and THEN leave the rest to fate and freedom of choice of individuals to govern themselves! It's time for this nonsense to end! Wake up America!

This is a great day and a first step, albeit a tiny one.

International Day Against Homophobia And Transphobia

Sorry I am late with my post. International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia took place this year on May the 17th.

This meme I shared on my Facebook feed over 6 years ago, it still holds true today. There are still religious and political forces that are still trying to take these rights away and it sickens me. Family is family. Love is love. No matter what the sexual orientation, sexual identity, etc. The fear has got to be stopped!

Here is legible copy of the post located under the meme.
"Joe Hockey, Australia's shadow Treasurer, said that he believed that all Australians are equal but the best thing for all children is to be raised by a mother and a father. Penny Wong, on the same panel, had this to say in response....
Share it around - today is the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia (IDAHO)!"